19.3.2 The settings section

The settings section can contain any of the following settings in any order:


Possible values: auto, or any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set size ratio

Sets the $y/x$ aspect ratio of plots.


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set size ratio

Sets whether plots have the automatic $y/x$ aspect ratio, which is the golden ratio. If on, then the aspect setting is ignored. Deprecated: new scripts should use aspect=auto instead.


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set size zratio

Sets whether 3d plots have the automatic $z/x$ aspect ratio, which is the golden ratio. If on, then the zAspect setting is ignored. Deprecated: new scripts should use zAspect=auto instead.


Possible values: Any recognised color.

Analogous set command: set axescolor

Sets the color of axis lines and ticks.


Possible values: Bracketed, Ratio, SquareBracketed

Analogous set command: set axisunitstyle

Sets the style in which the physical units of quantities plotted against axes are appended to axis labels.


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set backup

When this switch is set to on, and plot output is being directed to file, attempts to write output over existing files cause a copy of the existing file to be preserved, with a tilde after its old filename (see Section 9.4).


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set bar

Sets the horizontal length of the lines drawn at the end of errorbars, in units of their default length.


Possible values: auto, or any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set binorigin

Sets the point along the abscissa axis from which the bins used by the histogram command originate.


Possible values: auto, or any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set binwidth

Sets the widths of the bins used by the histogram command.


Possible values: auto, or any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set boxfrom

Sets the horizontal point from which bars on bar charts appear to emanate.


Possible values: auto, or any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set boxwidth

Sets the default width of boxes on barcharts. If negative, then the boxes have automatically selected widths, so that the interfaces between bars occur at the horizontal midpoints between the specified datapoints.


Possible values: British, French, Greek, Gregorian, Hebrew, Islamic, Julian, Papal, Russian.

Analogous set command: set calendar

Sets the default calendar for the input of dates from day, month and year representation into Julian Date representation. See Section 4.11 for more details.


Possible values: British, French, Greek, Gregorian, Hebrew, Islamic, Julian, Papal, Russian.

Analogous set command: set calendar

Sets the default calendar for the output of dates from Julian Date representation to day, month and year representation. See Section 4.11 for more details.


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set clip

Sets whether datapoints close to the edges of graphs should be clipped at the edges (on) or allowed to overrun the axes (off).


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set colkey

Sets whether colormap plots have a scale along one side relating color to ordinate value.


Possible values: top, bottom, left, right.

Analogous set command: set colkey

Sets the side of the plot along which the color legend should appear on colormap plots.


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set terminal

Sets whether output should be color (on) or monochrome (off).


Possible values: Any integer.

Analogous set command: set contour

Sets the number of contours which are drawn in the contourmap plot style.


Possible values: true, false.

Analogous set command: set logscale c

When the variables c1c4 are set to renormalise in the c?Range_renorm setting, this setting determines whether color maps are drawn with logarithmic or linear color scales. The ? wildcard should be replaced with an integer in the range 1–4 to alter the renormalisation of the variables c1 through c4 respectively in the expressions supplied to the colmap setting. In the case of c1, this setting also determines whether contours demark linear or logarithmic intervals on contour maps.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set crange

When the variables c1c4 are set to renormalise in the c?Range_renorm setting, this setting determines the upper limit of the range of values demarked by differing colors on color maps. The ? wildcard should be replaced with an integer in the range 1–4 to alter the renormalisation of the variables c1 through c4 respectively in the expressions supplied to the colmap setting. In the case of c1, this setting also determines the range of ordinate values for which contours are drawn on contour maps.


Possible values: true, false.

Analogous set command: set crange

When the variables c1c4 are set to renormalise in the c?Range_renorm setting, this setting determines whether the upper limit of the range of values demarked by differing colors on color maps should autoscale to fit the data, or be a fixed value as specified in the C?Range_max setting. The ? wildcard should be replaced with an integer in the range 1–4 to alter the renormalisation of the variables c1 through c4 respectively. In the case of c1, this setting also affects the range of ordinate values for which contours are drawn on contour maps.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set crange

When the variables c1c4 are set to renormalise in the c?Range_renorm setting, this setting determines the lower limit of the range of values demarked by differing colors on color maps. The ? wildcard should be replaced with an integer in the range 1–4 to alter the renormalisation of the variables c1 through c4 respectively in the expressions supplied to the colmap setting. In the case of c1, this setting also determines the range of ordinate values for which contours are drawn on contour maps.


Possible values: true, false.

Analogous set command: set crange

When the variables c1c4 are set to renormalise in the c?Range_renorm setting, this setting determines whether the lower limit of the range of values demarked by differing colors on color maps should autoscale to fit the data, or be a fixed value as specified in the C?Range_min setting. The ? wildcard should be replaced with an integer in the range 1–4 to alter the renormalisation of the variables c1 through c4 respectively. In the case of c1, this setting also affects the range of ordinate values for which contours are drawn on contour maps.


Possible values: true, false.

Analogous set command: set crange

Sets whether the variables c1c4, used in the construction of color maps, should be renormalised into the range 0–1 before being passed to the expressions supplied to the set colmap command, or whether they should contain the exact data values supplied in the 3rd–6th columns of data to the colormap plot style. The ? wildcard should be replaced with an integer in the range 1–4 to alter the renormalisation of the variables c1 through c4 respectively.


Possible values: true, false.

Analogous set command: set crange

When the variables c1c4 are set to renormalise in the c?Range_renorm setting, this setting determines whether the renormalisation into the range 0–1 is inverted such that the maximum value maps to zero and the minimum value maps to one. The ? wildcard should be replaced with an integer in the range 1–4 to alter the renormalisation of the variables c1 through c4 respectively.


Possible values: Any plot style.

Analogous set command: set data style

Sets the plot style used by default when plotting data files.


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set display

When set to on, no output is produced until the set display command is issued. This is useful for speeding up scripts which produce large multiplots; see Section 10.5.3 for more details.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set terminal dpi

Sets the sampling quality used, in dots per inch, when output is sent to a bitmapped terminal (the bmp, jpeg, gif, png and tif terminals).


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set fontsize

Sets the fontsize of text, where $1.0$ represents 10-point text, and other values differ multiplicatively.


Possible values: Any plot style.

Analogous set command: set function style

Sets the plot style used by default when plotting functions.


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set grid

Sets whether a grid should be displayed on plots.


Possible values: Any integer.

Analogous set command: None

Sets the default horizontal axis to which gridlines should attach, if the set grid command is called without specifying which axes to use.


Possible values: Any integer.

Analogous set command: None

Sets the default vertical axis to which gridlines should attach, if the set grid command is called without specifying which axes to use.


Possible values: Any integer.

Analogous set command: None

Sets the default $z$-axis to which gridlines should attach, if the set grid command is called without specifying which axes to use.


Possible values: Any recognised color.

Analogous set command: set gridmajcolor

Sets the color of major grid lines.


Possible values: Any recognised color.

Analogous set command: set gridmincolor

Sets the color of minor grid lines.


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set key

Sets whether a legend is displayed on plots.


Possible values: Any integer $\geq 0$.

Analogous set command: set keycolumns

Sets the number of columns into which the legends of plots should be divided. If a value of zero is given, then the number of columns is decided automatically for each plot.


Possible values: top right, top xcenter, top left, ycenter right, ycenter xcenter, ycenter left, bottom right, bottom xcenter, bottom left, above, below, outside.

Analogous set command: set key

Sets where the legend should appear on plots.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set key

Sets the horizontal offset, in approximate graph-widths, that should be applied to the legend, relative to its default position, as set by KEYPOS.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set key

Sets the vertical offset, in approximate graph-heights, that should be applied to the legend, relative to its default position, as set by KEYPOS.


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set terminal

Sets whether output is in portrait orientation (off), or landscape orientation (on).


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set linewidth

Sets the width of lines on plots, as a multiple of the default.


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set multiplot

Sets whether multiplot mode is on or off.


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set numerics

Sets whether complex arithmetic is enabled, or whether all non-real results to calculations should raise numerical exceptions.


Possible values: latex, natural, typeable.

Analogous set command: set numerics

Sets whether numerical results are displayed in a natural human-readable way, e.g. $2\, \mathrm{m}$, in LaTeX, e.g. $$2\backslash $,$\backslash $mathrm{m}$, or in a way which may be pasted back into Pyxplot, e.g. 2*unit(m).


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set numerics

Sets whether explicit error messages are thrown when calculations yield undefined results, as in the cases of division by zero or the evaluation of functions in regions where they are undefined or infinite. If explicit error messages are disabled, such calculations quietly return nan.


Possible values: Any integer between 0 and 30.

Analogous set command: set numerics

Sets the number of significant figures to which numerical quantities are displayed by default.


Possible values: Any floating point number.

Analogous set command: set origin

Sets the horizontal position, in centimetres, of the default origin of plots on the page. Most useful when multiplotting many plots.


Possible values: Any floating point number.

Analogous set command: set origin

Sets the vertical position, in centimetres, of the default origin of plots on the page. Most useful when multiplotting many plots.


Possible values: Any string (case sensitive).

Analogous set command: set output

Sets the output filename for plots. If blank, the default filename of pyxplot.foo is used, where foo is an extension appropriate for the file format.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set papersize

Sets the height of the papersize for PostScript output in millimetres.


Possible values: A string matching any of the papersizes listed in Chapter 16.

Analogous set command: set papersize

Sets the papersize for PostScript output to one of the pre-defined papersizes listed in Chapter 16.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set papersize

Sets the width of the papersize for PostScript output in millimetres.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set pointlinewidth

Sets the linewidth used to stroke points onto plots, as a multiple of the default.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set pointsize

Sets the sizes of points on plots, as a multiple of their normal sizes.


Possible values: Any integer.

Analogous set command: set samples

Sets the number of samples (datapoints) to be evaluated along the abscissa axis when plotting a function.


Possible values: inverse­Square, monag­han­Lattan­zio, nearest­Neigh­bor.

Analogous set command: set samples

Sets the method used to interpolate two-dimensional non-gridded arrays of datapoints from datafiles within the interpolate command and when plotting using the colormap, contourmap and surface plot styles.


Possible values: Any integer.

Analogous set command: set samples

Sets the number of samples (datapoints) to be evaluated along the first abscissa axis when drawing color maps and surfaces, and when calculating contour maps.


Possible values: true, false.

Analogous set command: set samples

Sets whether the number of samples (datapoints) to be evaluated along the first abscissa axis when drawing color maps and surfaces, and when calculating contour maps should follow the number of samples set with the set samples command.


Possible values: Any integer.

Analogous set command: set samples

Sets the number of samples (datapoints) to be evaluated along the second abscissa axis when drawing color maps and surfaces, and when calculating contour maps.


Possible values: true, false.

Analogous set command: set samples

Sets whether the number of samples (datapoints) to be evaluated along the second abscissa axis when drawing color maps and surfaces, and when calculating contour maps should follow the number of samples set with the set samples command.


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set terminal

Sets whether output sent to the bitmapped graphics output terminals – i.e. the bmp, jpeg, gif, png and tif terminals – is antialiased. Antialiasing smooths the color boundaries to disguise the effects of pixelisation and is almost invariably desirable.


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set terminal

When set to on output is enlarged or shrunk to fit the current paper size.


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set terminal

Sets whether jpeg/gif/png output has normal colors (off), or inverted colors (on).


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set terminal

Sets whether jpeg/gif/png output has transparent background (on), or solid background (off).


Possible values: bmp, eps, gif, jpg, pdf, png, ps, svg, tif, X11_multiWindow, X11_persist, X11_singleWindow.

Analogous set command: set terminal

Sets whether output is sent to the screen, using one of the X11_... terminals, or to disk. In the latter case, output may be produced in a wide variety of graphical formats.


Possible values: Any recognised color.

Analogous set command: set textcolor

Sets the color of all text output.


Possible values: left, center, right.

Analogous set command: set texthalign

Sets the horizontal alignment of text labels to their given reference positions.


Possible values: top, center, bottom.

Analogous set command: set textvalign

Sets the vertical alignment of text labels to their given reference positions.


Possible values: Any string (case sensitive).

Analogous set command: set title

Sets the title to appear at the top of the plot.


Possible values: Any floating point number.

Analogous set command: set title

Sets the horizontal offset of the title of the plot from its default central location.


Possible values: Any floating point number.

Analogous set command: set title

Sets the vertical offset of the title of the plot from its default location at the top of the plot.


Possible values: true, false.

Analogous set command: set logscale t

Sets whether the $t$-axis – used for parametric plotting – is linear or logarithmic.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set trange

Sets upper limit of the $t$-axis, used for parametric plotting.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set trange

Sets lower limit of the $t$-axis, used for parametric plotting.


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set unit

Sets whether physical units are displayed in abbreviated form, e.g. mm, or in full, e.g. millimetres.


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set unit

Sets whether angles are treated as dimensionless units, or whether the radian is treated as a base unit.


Possible values: on, off.

Analogous set command: set unit

Sets whether SI prefixes, such as milli- and mega- are prepended to SI units where appropriate.


Possible values: ancient, cgs, imperial, planck, si, USCustomary.

Analogous set command: set unit

Sets the scheme of physical units in which quantities are displayed.


Possible values: true, false.

Analogous set command: set logscale u

Sets whether the $u$-axis – used for parametric plotting – is linear or logarithmic.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set urange

Sets upper limit of the $u$-axis, used for parametric plotting.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set urange

Sets lower limit of the $t$-axis, used for parametric plotting.


Possible values: true, false.

Analogous set command: set logscale v

Sets whether the $v$-axis – used for parametric plotting – is linear or logarithmic.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set vrange

Sets upper limit of the $v$-axis, used for parametric plotting.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set vrange

Sets lower limit of the $v$-axis, used for parametric plotting.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set commands: set width, set size

Sets the width of plots in centimetres.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set commands: set view

Sets the viewing angle of three-dimensional plots in the $x$-$y$ plane in degrees.


Possible values: Any floating-point number.

Analogous set commands: set view

Sets the viewing angle of three-dimensional plots in the $y$-$z$ plane in degrees.


Possible values: auto, or any floating-point number.

Analogous set command: set size ratio

Sets the $z/x$ aspect ratio of 3d plots.