11.17 eps

eps [ item <id> ] <filename> [ at <vector> ] [rotate <angle>]
                           [width <length>] [height <length>]
                                        [ clip ] [ calcbbox ]

The eps command allows Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) images to be inserted onto multiplot canvases. The at modifier can be used to specify where the image should be placed on the vector graphics canvas; if it is not, then the image is placed at the origin. The settings texthalign and textvalign determined how the image is aligned relatively to this reference point – for example, whether its bottom left corner or its center is placed at the reference point.

The rotate modifier can be used to rotate the image by any angle, measured in degrees counter-clockwise. The width or height modifiers can be used to specify the width or height with which the image should be rendered; both should be specified in centimeters. If neither is specified then the image will be rendered with the native dimensions specified within the PostScript. The eps command is often useful in multiplot mode, allowing PostScript images to be combined with plots, text labels, etc.

The clip modifier causes Pyxplot to clip an eps image to its stated bounding box. The calcbbox modifier causes Pyxplot to ignore the bounding box stated in the eps file and calculate its own when working out how to scale the image to the specified width and height.

All vector graphics objects placed on multiplot canvases receive unique identification numbers which count sequentially from one, and which may be listed using the list command. By reference to these numbers, they can be deleted and subsequently restored with the delete and undelete commands respectively.