Name |
Description |
Approximate Value |
e |
euler |
The Euler constant |
false |
Boolean truth value |
0 |
goldenRatio |
The golden ratio |
i |
The square-root of |
phy.alpha |
The fine-structure constant |
phy.c |
The speed of light |
phy.epsilon_0 |
The permittivity of free space |
phy.G |
The gravitational constant |
phy.g |
The mean terrestrial acceleration due to gravity |
phy.h |
The Planck constant |
phy.hbar |
The Planck constant |
phy.kB |
The Boltzmann constant |
phy.Lsun |
The luminosity of the Sun |
phy.Msun |
The mass of the Sun |
phy.mu_0 |
The permeability of free space |
phy.mu_b |
The Bohr magneton |
phy.m_e |
The mass of the electron |
phy.m_muon |
The mass of the muon |
phy.m_n |
The mass of the neutron |
phy.m_p |
The mass of the proton |
phy.m_u |
The unified mass constant |
phy.NA |
Avogadro’s number |
phy.q |
The fundamental charge |
phy.R |
The gas constant |
phy.Rsun |
The radius of the Sun |
phy.Ry |
The Rydberg constant |
phy.sigma |
The Stefan-Boltzmann constant |
pi |
true |
Boolean truth value |
1 |
version |
Pyxplot version string |
“0.9.2” |