- 11 Command reference
- 11.1 ?
- 11.2 !
- 11.3 arc
- 11.4 arrow
- 11.5 assert
- 11.6 box
- 11.7 break
- 11.8 call
- 11.9 cd
- 11.10 circle
- 11.11 clear
- 11.12 continue
- 11.13 delete
- 11.14 do
- 11.15 ellipse
- 11.16 else
- 11.17 eps
- 11.18 exec
- 11.19 exit
- 11.20 fft
- 11.21 fit
- 11.22 for
- 11.23 foreach
- 11.24 foreach datum
- 11.25 global
- 11.26 help
- 11.27 histogram
- 11.28 history
- 11.29 if
- 11.30 ifft
- 11.31 image
- 11.32 interpolate
- 11.33 jpeg
- 11.34 let
- 11.35 list
- 11.36 load
- 11.37 local
- 11.38 maximize
- 11.39 minimize
- 11.40 move
- 11.41 piechart
- 11.42 plot
- 11.43 point
- 11.44 print
- 11.45 pwd
- 11.46 quit
- 11.47 rectangle
- 11.48 refresh
- 11.49 replot
- 11.50 reset
- 11.51 save
- 11.52 set
- 11.52.1 arrow
- 11.52.2 autoscale
- 11.52.3 axescolor
- 11.52.4 axis
- 11.52.5 axisunitstyle
- 11.52.6 backup
- 11.52.7 bar
- 11.52.8 binorigin
- 11.52.9 binwidth
- 11.52.10 boxfrom
- 11.52.11 boxwidth
- 11.52.12 c1format
- 11.52.13 c1label
- 11.52.14 calendar
- 11.52.15 clip
- 11.52.16 colorkey
- 11.52.17 colormap
- 11.52.18 contours
- 11.52.19 c
- 11.52.20 data style
- 11.52.21 display
- 11.52.22 filter
- 11.52.23 fontsize
- 11.52.24 function style
- 11.52.25 grid
- 11.52.26 gridmajcolor
- 11.52.27 gridmincolor
- 11.52.28 key
- 11.52.29 keycolumns
- 11.52.30 label
- 11.52.31 linewidth
- 11.52.32 logscale
- 11.52.33 multiplot
- 11.52.34 mxtics
- 11.52.35 mytics
- 11.52.36 mztics
- 11.52.37 noarrow
- 11.52.38 noaxis
- 11.52.39 nobackup
- 11.52.40 noclip
- 11.52.41 nocolorkey
- 11.52.42 nodisplay
- 11.52.43 nogrid
- 11.52.44 nokey
- 11.52.45 nolabel
- 11.52.46 nologscale
- 11.52.47 nomultiplot
- 11.52.48 nostyle
- 11.52.49 notitle
- 11.52.50 noxtics
- 11.52.51 noytics
- 11.52.52 noztics
- 11.52.53 numerics
- 11.52.54 origin
- 11.52.55 output
- 11.52.56 palette
- 11.52.57 papersize
- 11.52.58 pointlinewidth
- 11.52.59 pointsize
- 11.52.60 preamble
- 11.52.61 samples
- 11.52.62 seed
- 11.52.63 size
- 11.52.64 style
- 11.52.65 style data | style function
- 11.52.66 terminal
- 11.52.67 textcolor
- 11.52.68 texthalign
- 11.52.69 textvalign
- 11.52.70 timezone
- 11.52.71 title
- 11.52.72 trange
- 11.52.73 unit
- 11.52.74 urange
- 11.52.75 view
- 11.52.76 viewer
- 11.52.77 vrange
- 11.52.78 width
- 11.52.79 xformat
- 11.52.80 xlabel
- 11.52.81 xrange
- 11.52.82 xtics
- 11.52.83 yformat
- 11.52.84 ylabel
- 11.52.85 yrange
- 11.52.86 ytics
- 11.52.87 zformat
- 11.52.88 zlabel
- 11.52.89 zrange
- 11.52.90 ztics
- 11.53 show
- 11.54 solve
- 11.55 spline
- 11.56 swap
- 11.57 tabulate
- 11.58 text
- 11.59 undelete
- 11.60 unset
- 11.61 while
- 12 List of in-built functions
- 13 List of data types
- 13.1 Methods common to all data types
- 13.2 The boolean type
- 13.3 The color type
- 13.4 The date type
- 13.5 The dictionary type
- 13.6 The exception type
- 13.7 The fileHandle type
- 13.8 The function type
- 13.9 The instance type
- 13.10 The list type
- 13.11 The matrix type
- 13.12 The module type
- 13.13 The null type
- 13.14 The number type
- 13.15 The string type
- 13.16 The type type
- 13.17 The vector type
- 14 List of physical constants
- 15 List of physical units
- 16 List of paper sizes
- 17 Color tables
- 18 Line and point types
- 19 Configuring Pyxplot