12.7 The phy module

The phy module contains a selection of physical constants, listed in ChapterĀ 14. It also contains the following functions:

phy.Bv($\nu ,T$)
The phy.Bv($\nu ,T$) function returns the power emitted by a blackbody of temperature $T$ at frequency $\nu $ per unit area, per unit solid angle, per unit frequency. $T$ should have physical dimensions of temperature, or be a dimensionless number, in which case it is understood to be a temperature in Kelvin. $\nu $ should have physical dimensions of frequency, or be a dimensionless number, in which case it is understood to be a frequency measured in Hertz. The output has physical dimensions of power per unit area per unit solid angle per unit frequency.

The phy.Bvmax($T$) function returns the frequency at which the function Bv($\nu ,T$) reaches its maximum, as calculated by the Wien Displacement Law. The inputs are subject to the same constraints as above.