11.42.4 withThe with modifier controls the style in which data should be plotted. For example, the statement plot "data.dat" index 1 using 4:5 with lines specifies that data should be plotted using lines connecting each data pointto its neighbors. More generally, the with modifier can be followed by a range of settings which fine-tune the manner in which the data are displayed; for example, the statement plot "data.dat" with lines linewidth 2.0 would use twice the default width of line. The following is a complete list of all of Pyxplot’s plot styles – i.e. all of the words which may be used in place of lines: arrows_head, arrows_nohead, arrows_twohead, boxes, colormap, contourmap, dots, filledRegion, fsteps, histeps, impulses, lines, linesPoints, lowerLimits, points, stars, steps, surface, upperLimits, wboxes, xErrorBars, xErrorRange, XYErrorBars, xyErrorRange, xyzErrorBars, XYZErrorRange, xzErrorBars, xzErrorRange, yErrorBars, yErrorRange, yErrorShaded, yzErrorBars, yzErrorRange, zErrorBars, zErrorRange. In addition, lp and pl are recognised as abbreviations for linespoints; errorbars is recognised as an abbreviation for yerrorbars; errorrange is recognised as an abbreviation for yerrorrange; and arrows_twoway is recognised as an alternative for arrows_twohead. As well as the names of these plot styles, the with modifier can also be followed by style modifiers such as linewidth which alter the exact appearance of various plot styles. A complete list of these is as follows:
Any number of these modifiers may be placed sequentially after the keyword with, as in the following examples: plot 'datafile' using 1:2 with points pointsize 2 plot 'datafile' using 1:2 with lines color red linewidth 2 plot 'datafile' using 1:2 with lp col 1 lw 2 ps 3 Where modifiers take numerical values, expressions of the form $2+1, similar to those supplied to the using modifier, may be used to indicate that each datapoint should be displayed in a different style or in a different color. The following example would plot a data file with points, drawing the position of each point from the first two columns of the supplied data file and the size of each point from the third column: plot 'datafile' using 1:2 with points pointsize $3