2007 Feb 26: Pyxplot 0.6.3


Second Pyxplot beta-release. The most significant change is the introduction of a new command-line parser, with greatly improved handling of complex expressions and much more meaningful syntax error messages. Multi-platform compatibility has also been massively improved, and dependencies loosened. A small number of new commands have been added; most notable among them are the jpeg and eps commands, which embed images in multiplots.

Details – New and Extended Commands:

  • jpeg

  • eps

  • set xtics and set mxtics

  • text and set label commands extended to allow text rotation.

  • set log command extended to allow the use of logarithms with bases other than 10.

  • set preamble

  • set term enlarge | noenlarge

  • set term pdf

  • set term x11_persist

Details – Eased System Requirements:

  • Requirement on Python 2.4 minimum eased to version 2.3 minimum.

  • Requirements on scipy and readline eased; Pyxplot will now work in reduced form when they are absent, though they are still strongly recommended.

  • dvips and Ghostscript are no longer required.

Details – Removed Commands:

Due to a general refinement of Pyxplot’s API, some of the less sensible pieces of syntax from Version 0.5 are no longer supported. The author apologises for any inconvenience caused.

  • The delete_arrow, delete_text, move_text, undelete_arrow and undelete_text commands have been removed from the Pyxplot API. The move, delete and undelete commands should now be used to act upon all types of multiplot objects.

  • The set terminal command no longer accepts the enhanced and noenhanced modifiers. The postscript and eps terminals should be used instead.

  • The select modifier, used after the plot, replot, fit and spline command can now only be used once; to specify multiple select criteria, use the and logical operator.