Pyxplot |
Reporting bugs in Pyxplot |
![]() BugsWe welcome bug reports, which can be filed using our bug tracker on SourceForge. We also welcome feedback and feature requests, which can be submitted to our discussion forums, also hosted by SourceForge. You can also get involved and help us. Pyxplot is developed by a small number of volunteers in our spare time, and between our day jobs and busily developing the next version of Pyxplot, we rarely have the time to provide support to individual users. If you see questions on our user forum that you know the answer to, why not jump in and help? If you're submitting a bug report, there are ways you can help us deal with it as quickly as possible. First, please check that your bug or feature request has not already been submitted, before opening a new thread on the forum. Then, try and find the shortest possible script that reproduces the your bug. Usually, it is possible to reproduce a bug in fewer than ten lines of script; often fewer than five are needed. Tell us exactly how the script's output is wrong. If there's an error message, make sure you include it. That will help us to pin down your problem as quickly as possible. As a last resort, the developers can be contacted via email. Please report any problems with the website by email to webmaster. LicensePyxplot is distributed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.